The soil is classified to tidal sandy soil, derived from river alluvium with sandy loam texture. 土壤分类为河流冲积土发育的潮汐沙土,砂壤土质地。
Influence of biological soil crusts coverage on the characteristic of aeolian sandy soil water evaporation 生物结皮层覆盖对风沙土水分蒸发特征的影响
Engineering Behaviors and Fine Content Effect of Unsaturated Sandy Soil Creep of Saturated Sand under One-dimensional Compression 非饱和砂土工程性状的细粒效应试验研究单向压缩状态下饱和砂性土蠕变特性试验研究
On the other hand, the vibration caused by sliding of landslide is the dynamic condition for liquefaction of saturated sandy soil and silty soil in landslide. 另外,滑坡体在滑动过程中发生振动,为滑坡体中饱和的砂土和粉土发生液化现象提供了动力支持。
The problem was one of liquefaction of the sandy soil. 问题是沙质土壤的液化作用。
Effects of Long-Term Application of Organic Solid Waste on Fertilization of Aeolian Sandy Soil and on Environment in Hexi Corridor 长期施用有机固体废弃物对河西走廊风砂土的培肥效应和环境影响研究
The damage form of thick sandy soil layer was revealed and the damage mechanism was primarily analyzed through the dynamic simulating model test. 通过动态相似模拟试验,揭示了厚砂土层破坏形态,并初步分析了破坏机理。
Effects of Combination Chicken Manure with Chemical Fertilizers on Available Nutrients of Sandy Soil in Pear Orchards 鸡粪和化学肥料配施对砂质梨园土壤有效养分的影响
The Safety Factor and Reliability of Sandy Soil Slope Sliding in Earthquake Area 地震区砂性土边坡滑动安全系数和可靠度
However, the liquefaction of sandy soil and silty soil is just the direct factor leading to fluidization of landslide. 而滑坡体中砂土和粉土液化现象的发生,直接诱发了滑坡体流态化现象的发生。
Some plants thrive in damp, sandy soil. 某些植物在湿润的砂质土壤中生长茂盛。
Effect of Drip Irrigation under Plastic Mulch on Aeolian Sandy Soil Salt Dynamic and Cotton Yield 膜下滴灌对风沙土盐分变化和棉花产量的影响
Region mainly by the clayey soil and sandy clay sandy soil composition, soil type is calcareous cinnamon tide. 域内土质主要由粘质砂土和砂质粘土构成,土壤类型为石灰性潮褐土。
Rich soil that contains sand or soft, wet dirt. Here the grass ended and there was a loose sandy soil under foot. 含沙或潮湿松软的肥沃土壤中生长。这儿草到了尽头,脚下是松软件的沙土。
Water is straining through the sandy soil. 水正从沙土中渗出。
Carrots grow well in a sandy soil. 胡萝卜在沙土里生长得好。
The lateral roots grown in forest soil were best and that in hillside soil were second, that in clay soil and sandy soil were following. 森林土的侧根生长最好,山坡土次之,然后是黏土和沙土。
A snapping turtle digs a hole in the sandy soil with her back claws. 一只鳄龟用后抓在沙土里挖了一个洞。
Liquefaction of loose sandy soil can occur. 松砂土可发生液化。
Plants can not grow easily in the sandy soil. 植物在沙土里不容易成活。
The Study of Analyzing the Mechanical of Aeolian Sandy Soil Using Straw Based on Experiment 应用吸管法进行风沙土机械组成分析的实验研究
This paper union sandy soil area drill hole filling pile construction, analysis the hole, the pile quality question because the construction operation does not work. 文章结合砂土地区钻孔灌注桩成孔、成桩施工中,因施工操作不当可能发生孔、桩的质量问题进行分析和探讨。
Application effect of humic acid sodium made from peat in the mixed sandy soil; 研究了黄腐酸及黄腐酸钠的降血糖作用,并对其降糖机制进行初步探讨。
Eliminating Liquefaction of Sandy Soil and Improving Bearing Capacity of Single Pile with Vibro-squeezing Sand Pile 振动挤密砂桩消除砂土液化和提高单桩承载力
Sandy Soil Subgrade Mechanical Performance and Distortion Index Analysis 砂性土路基力学性能与变形指标的分析
The values of the dynamic shear modulus and the damping factor are close to those of sandy soil. 动剪切模量和阻尼特性接近于砂性土。影响阻尼特性最明显的因素是剪应变和周压力。
Experimental research on troubles of EPB shield construction in sandy soil 土压平衡盾构在砂性土中施工问题的试验研究
This paper study on the effects of PAM on improving water stable aggregate and reducing nutrients loss from sandy soil, methods of Laboratory incubation and leaching were adopted. 采用在实验室培养和用淋洗管模拟田间淋洗的方法研究聚丙烯酰胺对沙土水稳性团粒结构改良作用,对氮、磷、钾养分保肥的作用以及其合理施用量。
Underground structure in saturated sandy soil might be subject to severe damage due to seismic liquefaction. 饱和砂土地层中的地下结构在地震作用下可能因地基液化而发生破坏。